Insect-resistant cotton high yield key cultivation techniques 2

3 bud management

Mainly strong and stable trees, buds and buds are large, the length of cotton trees is larger than the height, and the top heart is hollowed

3.1 Top dressing watering: According to the fertility and base fertilizer application, in order to ensure the stability of the cotton, this period can be applied topdressing urea 10kg per mu, the bottom fertilizer can be applied organic fertilizer or phosphorus potassium fertilizer. After the wheat is dry and rainless, it can be ditched (interlaced and ditched) and watered once.

3.2 Pruning: When the first fruit branch emerges, the lower branch of the fruit branch is promptly knocked out and all the true leaves are retained.

3.3 Chemical regulation: As an increase in production measures, chemical emptying measures can be fully implemented since the initiation of Lei. In the use of a small number of multiple methods, the specific amount of each dose should be determined by the number of cotton fruit branches, the general amount of medication, the cotton field when there is a single fruit branch, once per acre with 25% of the helper prime 1mL, there are two The amount of fruit branch is 2mL, and so on, each spray 15 to 25kg spray, to ensure that the cotton is stable and not greedy.

3.4 Pest Control: Cotton bud disease generally does not require prevention and control, pests mainly have a generation of cotton bollworm, cotton aphid, corn borer and so on. In terms of insect pests, since most of the new cotton varieties currently promoted are resistant to H. armigera, the first generation of H. armigera does not need to be controlled, and the pests to be controlled during the bud stage are cotton aphids and corn borers. In the cotton bud stage, when the rate of leaf rolling reaches 10% or more, the cotton aphid should be promptly controlled. When the rate of 100 damaged plants reaches 3%, it is necessary to control corn aphid. With monocrotophos l500 times or omethoate 1000 times liquid and other conventional pesticides can control, two pests can also cure. If single cotton aphid occurs, it can be controlled with 20% of mitoxazole and l500 times.

4 Flowering period management

The main attack is to increase the boll bell and make full use of the effective ringing period.

4.1 Re-apply Hua-Bing Fei: In order to facilitate the post-management, the plastic film can be peeled off before the flower or seal is enclosed, and then the top-dressing fertilizer should be applied immediately. Flower and boll stage fertilization should pay attention to early flowering fertilizer, topdressing urea 12kg per acre (see flower topdressing topdressing), top-coating fertilizer (at the end of July) can be applied or not applied depending on the growing condition of the cotton, the lofty soil should be slightly heavier, top Fertilizer can't be later than August 5 (not after top dressing).

4.2 Watering and Drainage: When cotton enters full flowering stage, it is neither drought nor waterlogging. At this time, the drought and watering increase the yield significantly, and the internal waterlogging should be drained in time.

4.3 Pest Control: This stage of disease is mainly cotton yellow wilt disease, especially Verticillium wilt. If verticillium wilt disease begins, it can be sprayed with fulvic acid and foliar fertilizer every 5 to 7 days. Times. Insect pests are mainly two or three generations of cotton bollworm and Fuxi. When the Fuxue rolled leaf strain reaches 5%, it is treated with medicine in time. When there are more than 10 strains of 2-3 Heliothis armigera strains, they should be sprayed with 100 to 200 times biological pesticides such as BT and polyhedrosis virus (80 to 120 billion per mu). More than 5 or more than 3 years of age can be swept with phoxim 1000 times.

4.4 Timely top-down to heart: The high-yielding cotton field kicks off the top from July 15 to July 20, and masters the principle of “when it's time to wait for branches and branches to see growth”. After grasping the heart to grasp the fruit line between the two branches of the middle of the cotton plant to meet, the upper fruit branch generally leaves 3 fruit sections. In order to control the growth of the tip and axillary buds, the top propellant should be sprayed once in a timely manner and 20-30 ml per acre should be sprayed with 30 kg of water.

5 late management

The main focus is to protect the leaves from drought and promote early maturation.

5.1 Watering: If drought occurs after the fall, watering at a proper time can fully exert the climate advantage of autumn and winter, ensuring the normal function of root leaves (especially functional leaves) and attacking large yields.

5.2 Insect Pest Control: Insect pests in this period are mainly three generations of cotton bollworms and small bridges. If there is a large amount of production and it is really necessary to use drugs for prevention and treatment, low-level pesticides should be used as far as possible so as to avoid phytotoxicity and extend the leaf functional period.

5.3 Top-dressing: In order to prevent premature senescence, the fields with insufficient fertilization in the early stage can be sprayed two or three times with potassium dihydrogen phosphate and foliar fertilizer on the road.

5.4 Remove the invalid bell: Invalid flower bells (four gate locks) that grow after the beginning of autumn are removed in time before and after August 10th.

5.5 Anti-Dambling Bell: In the late days, if there is even a cloudy day, the early-issued cotton fields will inevitably have a bad bell. In order to reduce losses, large bells with a bell period of more than 40 days can be removed in advance, and the bolls can be boiled with 0.5% to 1.0 concentrations of ethephon soaked in water. The cotton bolls with dark spots on the lower part of the cotton should also be treated as such.

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