Five Strategies: Bigger and Stronger China's Petroleum and Petrochemical Industry

The development environment faced by China's petroleum and petrochemical industry in the new era has both difficulties and challenges as well as favorable and rare opportunities. The author believes that the countermeasures should include at least the following five aspects, and its focus should be on improving international competitiveness and alleviating resource bottlenecks.
The first is to increase production and reduce expenditure, strive to increase domestic oil and gas reserves, vigorously promote energy conservation, actively develop alternative energy sources that use the economy, optimize the allocation and use of resources, increase resource efficiency and efficiency, and further implement the “going out” strategy to participate in international The development and utilization of oil and gas resources, the development of mutually beneficial cooperation between resource countries and mutual benefit, the realization of the diversification of imported crude oil, in order to resolve the bottleneck of resource constraints. It is necessary to organize the procurement of crude oil, minimize oil refining costs and circulation costs, improve management, and establish and put into operation the national strategic oil reserve as soon as possible to avoid high oil price risks.
Second, do a good job of industrial restructuring, layout adjustment and regional industrial optimization, optimize investment, optimize projects, through the integration of large-scale, base, and refinery, continue to build a group of distinctive international competitiveness and better The performance of the large-scale backbone refining base marked by 10 million tons of oil refining and million tons of ethylene competes against the competition from the foreign large companies and neighboring countries and regions, and is truly bigger and stronger.
Thirdly, domestic petroleum and petrochemical enterprises should speed up the transformation of the production and management model to the combination of industry and trade, continue to vigorously develop pipeline transportation of crude oil and refined oil, establish a modern distribution and circulation and information network system, do a good job in logistics optimization, and promote a brand strategy. Raise the level of marketing to conform to the new situation in which the market is fully open. At the same time, we must strengthen the anti-dumping and early warning work on the export of petrochemicals to China by major neighboring countries and regions.
Fourth, highlight key points, highlight core businesses, do a good job in technological advancement, promote independent innovation, concentrate on tackling key issues, and work hard to promote the solution of China's oil and petrochemical industry to make the midstream and downstream areas bigger, stronger, and industrial upgrading and sustainable development. Process technology, equipment, and related major theoretical issues promote the development of new products, and promote the overall competitiveness of China's petroleum and petrochemical industries with advances in science and technology. At the same time, we must further improve the scientific research management system and improve the employment mechanism and scientific research incentive mechanism.
The fifth is to recognize the new situation, adapt to new changes, further change the concept, increase the awareness of the market economy, deepen the reform of the modern enterprise system, earnestly implement and implement the scientific concept of development, and take the intensive development path. Large state-owned companies must promote competition and moderate competition, oppose and avoid vicious competition, and also pay attention to the development of mutually beneficial cooperation with foreign and private oil and petrochemical enterprises.

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